Friday, December 21, 2012

Number 23: Read Some Classics

I decided that I wanted to read a couple of classics.  It started with Dracula.  I don't know why.  I think it was around Halloween and it was free on my Kindle so I thought why not.  So I started to read it.  It was alright but I learned a couple of things.  When writers wrote in the 1800's they really take a long time to tell the story.  There are things in the book that you think will be important in the future of the book and then those things don't really come up again.  With Dracula, the first was REALLY scary, when Dracula held the guy in his broken down castle and then the guy saw him climbing up and down the outside walls, that was seriously a little scary.  Then the book travels to England and a couple of women get infected and then there is a crazy guy as part of the story and it takes forever to develop.  When they figure out that it is Dracula and follow him back to Transylvania I am thinking that there will be a big climax and scene where they capture and kill Dracula.  So another endless amount of pages about the journey and following Dracula to his castle, then in about two pages they find Dracula in his coffin asleep and stab him with no problems and Dracula was gone.  I wasn't impressed.  I did learn that Stephanie Meyers did really stay close with the original characteristics of a vampire though. 

The next classic I read was Frankenstein.  I did read this one in high school and remembered feeling really sorry for Frankenstein trying to live and love in a society that abhorred him.  So I was interested again to read that.  I have to say the second time, I still felt really sad for Frankenstein but he was more violent that I remembered against the guy who made him.  I regress, Frankenstein was the guy who created him and he was just a monster without a name.  I did enjoy the book.  It really gives a perspective of a situation that a person can create in which they have no control once they make that initial choice.  Then the monster wanted acceptance and love even from his creator and never being able to obtain that.  Really kinda a tragedy but I liked it.  I am always fascinated that it was written by a women too.  I wonder what inspired her to write it.  

The third was A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  I have never read this one and actually hated the story.  The only version I can stand to watch is the muppets.  It was a choice of Phyllis at book club for December.  I came to find out later that she wanted it because her other book club was doing it and she wanted to double dip so to speak.  She also compared it to Elder Uchtdorf's talk about no regrets.  I will make the comparison at the end of the post.  Anyway so I though why not.  So I started it and it is really good.  I love the written story about a million times more than any movie version of it.   Dickens is a really fabulous writer.  He just captures the human spirit.   I found myself wanting to highlight and remember certain passages of it and I hardly ever do that anymore.  I am going to read more of his works just because I loved A Christmas Carol and his writing so much.  

Going back to Elder Uchtdorf's talk of No Regrets in comparison to A Christmas Carol.  The three things that Scrooge needed to do were the three things that Elder Uchtdorf said we should do in life.  Scrooge needed to spend time with people who he loved.  He needed to get to know his nephew and nephew's family.  Scrooge needed to live up to his potential.  He had all this money but wasn't doing anything with it.  He wasn't being who he could be.  Third, Scrooge needed to let himself be happy.  He was always just being Scrooge and not allowing himself to enjoy life and the people around him.  So it was a great book to read and start out the Christmas season for me.  I wish I could claim the credit for coming up with the Uchtdorf comparison but I have to give Phyllis the credit for that.  In her other book club she make up book markers and printed off a bound copy of the General Conference with that particular talk.  She really went all out as only Phyllis can do.   Number 23....check!

Number 31 Learn to make Pumpkin Pie

My mom makes really good pumpkin pies and I really have never had to know the skill.  However I figured that I am now old enough to see if I could do it.  So during Thanksgiving I asked for crust making lessons.  My mom has made so many pies that her lesson is to put about 'this much shortening in' and then 'about this much flour' and then cold water.  The cold water is 'hold the bowl under the faucet' and 'one time in, two times in, and a third time in and that is about right'.  So needless to say it is hard to duplicate her crusts.  My home teacher, Bro Ange, said that his wife loves pumpkin pies and they usually just get the frozen ones, which in my mind is as gross as you can get, because pumpkin happens to be my favorite and I can't even eat the Costco ones, just the homemade for me and really just my moms.   So I thought I am going to make him and her a pie.  So I got all the ingredients and went for it.  The crust as I was making it looked about right so put it in the pie pan and put the filling in and started baking it.  I had quite a bit of the crust dough left so make crust, which is the leftover dough flattened out and then butter and sugar and cinnamon and bake it.  So that baked and I pulled it out and to me it didn't taste good so I thought the pie would be a flop to.  So the pie finished baking and I pulled it out but I didn't try it because I was disappointed because I thought that the crust didn't work out.  Then the next day I thought I should try the pie just to see if the filling at least tasted good.  So I cut a small piece out and ate the pie crust included, and miracle of miracles, it tasted good.  The crust even did.  I was so excited.  Now it wasn't as good as my moms but it was tasty and held together and everything.  So I cut two big pieces out and ran it over to Bro Ange and his wife to try.  I told them I am going to keep practicing and give them a better one when I perfect my crusts.  They were fine with that idea.  

The reason that it took me so long to try to learn to make crusts is when I was about 12ish, my mom wanted me to learn to make bread.  I wasn't really into it and she was so insistent about it.  I kept asking why all the sudden I needed to learn.  She would say because someday she wouldn't be there to make bread and it was something I needed to learn.  I will come back to that story in a minute.  

When I was really young and we read in schools  out of the reader books in a group there was a story about a Navajo kid who needed to finish weaving a cloth, however she didn't want to finish because she knew that when the cloth was finished her grandma would die because the girl would have learned the skill of weaving.  Somehow in my mind the day my mom wanted me to learn to make bread and her insisting that I learn in my mind was the same as that story.  So I figure that if I didn't learn how then she would be there forever.  That thinking continued to other skills that my mom had like making pies.  If I couldn't do it then she would always have to and stay around forever.   I am still a little paranoid but am trying to get beyond it.  I think the lesson I take away from this is some stories that teachers make kids read are not healthy and give kids phobias they spend the rest of their lives trying to overcome.  Unfortunately one story that might effect one kid, another kid probably doesn't even remember.   Through all of this I did make a really tasty pumpkin pie.   So Number 31, make a pumpkin pie...check.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Number 24

Number 24 is "Learn how to make Rissoto".  I often watch Chopped and other cooking shows and they always talk about rissoto.  I wanted to know what the big deal was.  I love rice so I thought that it would be fun.  I got the recipe and all the ingredients and just made it.  It turned out really great.  I have become kinda a pro at it now.  I like to cook chicken chunks and then it is an entire meal.  The last time I put too much chicken bouillon in so it was too salty, but other than that Rissoto....check!  I will add a picture later. 

Number 12 Skinny Dip

This was on the original list.  I didn't know when I would get the opportunity.  I knew it had to be soon because it is getting colder and I am not chunky dunking during the ice fishing season.  So we went to visit my parents in Wyoming and my dad took us fishing on Jackson Lake.  It was quite the eventful weekend.  We came late into the valley Friday night and were passing a car head on when there appeared two cows in the road and the oncoming car didn't see them at all and hit them both head on.  Fortunately the cows died instantly but we were seconds away from having one of the cows land on our windshield and seconds later would have hit the car head on as they swerved into our lane.  We were first responders.  Danielle went and helped the people, who were Chinese and couldn't communicate with on-star, as I called 911 and directed traffic coming up south end until the emergency people could get there.   So that was tramatic.  Then fishing on Jackson Lake a big storm came and my dad being more concerned with catching the fish on the line then the huge wave coming up over the boat.  We almost sunk.  So after we caught the fish, pulled the lines in, and found a quiet place out of the storm on the North end of Donohoe Island, I knew my chance to skinny dip had manifest itself.  So I went for it.  I took everything off except my tevas.  I didn't want to have to worry about walking in and out of the water quickly.  I thought the water would be freezing but it wasn't.  I jumped in and then hurried and got out.  But then I didn't feel like I got the most out of the experience because it was so fast so I jumped in again for another few minutes.   Now skinny dipping might not be for everyone, but you feel so one with nature.  It is so liberating.  It is really hard to describe unless you try it, especially in such a beautiful place as Jackson Lake.  I kinda knew that I would accomplish this one in Jackson Lake.  A lot of years ago, my dad and I went camping at Jackson Lake on the South shore.  It was an out of the way spot and we stayed in his gross camper.  I think one of his friends were with us but other than that we were seemingly all alone in nature.  In the early morning I got up early and went down to the shore to wash my face and brush my teeth.  It was just me and the trees and the lake.  It was a spiritually experience.  It was so peaceful.  The lake was like glass and there weren't any noises.  I washed up and it literally felt like I was the only person in the world and one with all that was around me and so apart of the greater whole.  I was at such peace.  I often visualize that as my "happy place", when I need to.   So skinny dippy there just seemed right.  When I returned to the boat my mom said "Did I see Courtney's white bare butt out there".  I guess it is easy to spot. 
The pile of clothes

Nature shots

Nature.  I liked how the rock was caught up in the roots. 

Number 30

Not pretty but enjoying the moment. 
Morning View
 To enjoy a sunrise and sunset in one day is number 30.  I made this one up at Zions.  We were at a friends house in Springdale and we had arrived when it was dark.  It is up a hill where the road really winds around so I wasn't sure which way was east to enjoy the sunrise.  Come to find out the house was designed to see to the east off the balcony and then shielded from the west because of the heat in the afternoon.   It just happened to be the day of the Fall Equinox which made it all the better.  It was fun to get up early to see the sunrise and just bask in the beauty.  As I sat there waiting for the sun to crest over the mountains I thought routine of the earth and how the sun comes up every day and how now after the equinox we will be having less sunlight and get colder.  How perfect really all that is planned out.  In life there is so much craziness and indecision and change that it is nice to know that somethings are constant and unchanging.  

To the North

First peek of the sun. 
Sunset.  It was beautiful, but not as cool as the morning. 

Number 14 Hike the Narrows

 I have wanted to hike the Narrows in Zions for a long time.  I had planned it with friends a couple of years ago but that was the rainy year so they closed the Narrows down for flash floods.  So this year Danielle and I made a quick weekend trip to Zions and hiked the Narrows.  We stayed in a house of a friend.  That made the trip even nicer with a big house to ourselves.  We started out about 9 am.  We walked the river hike and then once you get to the end of that you just start walking in the water.  The water was cool but it wasn't a big deal to be in the water.  The highest the water level was was about to our waists but mostly mid calf.  There were some people up there but not overly crowded.  Everyone was friendly and enjoying themselves.  I think for me the best part was just the beauty of it.  The cliffs were incredible and the canyon so deep.  It was amazing to think it had been carved out by the rivers constant flow for millions of years.  Then as the sun would peek through the canyon and reflect off the red rocks it was really just humbling to be there and experience the beauty.  Around every bend it just got better.  We hiked until we almost reached the second fork joining the main river.  There was a huge boulder and we would have to really get wet to get around it so we decided we better head back.  The hike out was easier and quicker (as always) but we were tired by then so we took it slow.  We got back to the trail head about 5:30 and then out of the park about 6ish and ordered a delicious pizza from Pizza and Noodles and took it home and enjoyed.  I am really glad that we made the effort to do Number 14 Hike the Narrows. 
Danielle and I at the beginning of the trail.

Me about half way up. 

So amazing.

Us on the first fork coming into the river.  We hiked just a little way up this one and then returned to the main part. 

Just loving it. 

Understanding the flash flood warnings.  No where out. 

Just cool. 

At the finish.  Wet, shriveled white toes.  Next time I will rethink pulling my socks up all the way. 

Our accommodations, Thanks Clark! 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Update to Number Six

This is one to finish off Number Six which is to pee in both oceans.  The Atlantic was chilly, but the Northern Pacific was freezing.  It took all I had to get waist deep and do my business.  As you can see from the picture the weather wasn't great and even out of the water, you needed jackets.  Most people at the beach were wrapped up in blankets.  There were a few little boys that were playing in the water and later a couple of paddle boarders came but for me to damn cold to do anything but accomplish my goal.  I will say I love the ocean and even though we weren't really prepared for the beach and especially the cold we stayed there probably two hours and then went to another one for about an hour.  Beautiful coasts in Northern California, makes me really appreciate the world.  

Number 28....hug a Redwood Tree

Same trip to California.  We wanted to go to the Redwood National Park, but it was just a little to far out of our way.  We however drove through redwood forests.  We stopped along a windy road from Ukiah to the coast and hugged a tree.  The tree to me was really soft, the bark I guess.  I always thought redwood was a harder tree because it is great to build decks and stuff and retains it's color and form, the bark however wasn't hard but like fur.  They smelled so good though.  We didn't see the biggest one in the world but it was neat to see them and enjoy the trees.  Although I loved the redwood when we got into a cyprus those trees are awesome.  They smelled so good.  I loved them.  Check....number 28....hug a redwood tree.  

Number 27 Bike Across Golden Gate

 Biking across Golden Gate Bridge is an addition to the list, because frankly it is one of the funnest things I have done in my life.  On the same trip to California, Danielle's mom dropped us off in San Francisco.  We got the GO PASS which included most of the touristy site seeing things to do.  One of those was to rent bikes for the day with the intention of biking across the bridge.  We and hundreds of others did that.  We started from Fisherman Wharf and biked to the bridge, stopping at a local farmers market where the samples of fresh fruit where basically my breakfast and delicious.  Then the bridge's west side is for bikers and east side for walkers.  It was really fun to see that bridge from that perspective.  When we went across it was fogging and chilly and when we came back (above) it had cleared up.  We stopped along the way and took pictures.  Then we rode the bikes the rest of that day.  Really really fun.   Check....number across Golden Gate Bridge. 

Number 29, Eat at Donner Pass

This one was on my original list but I had to abbreviate it a little.  This one was to eat a sandwich at Donner Pass.  Cold cuts was what I was thinking.  On our trip to CA we stayed the night in Reno and unfortunately ate a buffet breakfast.  Donner Pass is like an hour out of Reno so there what no way I could eat a sandwich.  We stopped and I bit Danielle and had to be happy with that.   I feel a little bad about the irreverence of this 40 for 40 but it is funny.  The reason I feel bad is I have never been there and didn't really understand how horrible that would have been.  The Sierra Nevadas are a huge mountain range that as soon as you think you are out of them another range appears.  It is literally up and down.  I have a new respect for the Donner Party as well as any of the early pioneers and 49ers that went across the Sierra Nevadas.   Then when I taught 8th grade history we also covered the subject of the Chinese building the Railroad through the mountains and again a huge respect for that feat of building the railroad from Sacramento to Promontory Point.  The Irish really had it easy coming from Omaha.   Check off Number 29......Donner Pass. 

Number 26, Lick the Salt Flats

 This is one I added along the way because again it is my thing so I can.  I was traveling with Danielle and Janet to California and we stopped at the Salt Flats.  It is really the craziest place, just white and flat and salty as I confirmed.  I decided that I needed to know 100% that it was salt so I licked it, as shown below.  It is salty, take it from me.
 Danielle, Janet, Me.  It is always fun to roadtrip with two people just over 5 foot because then I look like a giant in all the pictures.  They actually were really fun to road trip with.  We had the cooler of drinks and the treat bag but no CD's and Nevada doesn't offer the greatest radio stations.  That was our only downfall.  
Number 26...check....lick the Salt Flats. 

Number 22, Go to a Rodeo

Go to a Rodeo
We live in the west and Rodeos are very prevalent, however I don't usually go to any so since I live right across from the West Jordan Arena I thought that it might be fun to go.  We went on July 4th.  Danielle, Jenna, and I went.  It was a beautiful evening and we enjoyed a lot of "Fair Food".  The rodeo I can't say was one of the best.  I guess while I was waiting in a ridiculous long line for funnel cake the best part was when a 4 year old wouldn't let go of the sheep in mutton busting and I could hear the crowd cheering.  My friends told me all about it when I returned with more fried food.  It was fun, but then I was sick from the food and missed the best part so not a classic.  Check Number 22:  Attend a Rodeo. 

Friday, July 6, 2012


Number 25: Go to Kennecott Copper Mine

This is another that I just added.  Lexi is taking AP Geography next year so I am trying to find things to help her understand parts of the class as they learn out of the book next year.  Kennecott is one of those, as was the commercial diary farm at Manti Pageant.  So one day I went and got the kids and we drove up the Kennecott.  It is really incredible the operation they have up there.  The huge trucks look like matchbox cars.  It is hard to even comprehend how big it is as you are watching at the crest of the copper pit.  I always am amazed at the cool things we live around but don't ever really see.  There are more tourists at Kennecott and the Great Salt Lake than there is anywhere else in the Salt Lake Valley.  We don't take advantage of the things we have in our backyard that people come all over the world to see.  Anyway it was a fun couple hours.  We went and ate at McDonalds after and in about 10 minutes demolished 5 extra value meals.  Number 25: Kennecott, Check!

Manti Pageant

Number 11, Manti Pageant, Check.  A couple of years ago driving back from Oklahoma my mom wanted to go to the pageant.  Lexi and I were tired and just wanted to go home so we told her that we would go another year.  This was the year.  I figured it could be a family reunion.  My dad's best friend Rex Brown lives in Gunnison which is like 15 miles from Manti so that would be perfect to camp outside there house.  I didn't even realize he had such a nice lawn area or maybe we would have done it sooner.  To be honest the hardest thing is getting all the families to commit.  We Roberts' generally don't like to be tied down to anything and then can't just say alright let's go and just go.  I knew once we got everyone there it would be fun and everyone would have a good time, it is just getting them there.  So everyone drove down separately Friday night and set up camp.  Then Saturday we did a few activities and then toured the diary.  The adults grew up around diaries but the kids are 'city kids'.  It was fun to see how a huge commercial diary farm runs and the kids all got a chance to milk a cow and let the calves suck on their fingers.  Taunya, Rex's daughter, was our tour guide and really knew her business.   That night we went to the pageant.  Trevor saved up good seats up front while the rest of us ate turkey at one of the churches.  It was a great experience.  Some of the things that we fun was the pageant had just started and Dustin and Slayden had gone to get food and when they came back Slayden, who is 2, screamed...."We are back and we brought treats!"  He was so excited to have brought cotton candy to everyone.  Then Leah was pretty excited for the fire and Jesus.   The sweetest thing was Mason and Leah were sitting together and Leah was getting tired so Mason took off his jacket for Leah to have a pillow to lay on his leg.  When Leah went to sleep, somebody moved her on the ground with Mason's jacket.  It did get a little cold and poor Mason was shivering but he wanted Leah to have a pillow.  Finally somebody realized what had happened and got his jacket back to him and bundled Leah up with a blanket.  That is a sweet gesture of Mason to give his jacket up for his cousin. 
We got back to our camp and then in the morning "loaded her up Shell".  It was fun to be together as a family and watch the kids play together.  We had three friends, Danielle and her niece Hannah, and Lexi's friend Cami.  They were fun to have as well.  So I have planned a family reunion and attended the Manti Pageant.  Number 11, Check!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ride in the Little Red Riding Hood

First week of June, Danielle and I rode in the Little Red Riding Hood in Logan.  It started out a cool overcast day.  It was perfect temperature to ride.  The first 35 miles were strong.  After lunch it warmed up quite a bit in Cache Valley and that was the hilliest stretch.  It got more difficult.  When it gets difficult I just focus on the little white line running down the road and just pedal.  Like in life after the difficulty comes the blessings which was the steepest hill to descent.  At the top I shifted down, hunkered down and just went for it.  It was great.  I wish I knew how fast I was going.   Not to brag but I passed all the ladies that were also going down.  It was pure freedom and adrenaline.  Unfortunately the 'city planners' put a stop sign at the very base of the hill so you can't continue and shoot passed.  By mile 46 I was done, so it was nice to see the end 4 miles later.  50 miles riding Little Red Riding Hood, check.  

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Attending Holi

Last month I went to Holi with my niece and nephew. I invoke the grandfather clause on this one because it was cool, something I haven't done before and 40 is a lot of stuff. At this point my list is only in the 20's so I can add because is my thing and I can do what I want. So we went to Holi. It was insanely crowded and to be truthful I don't know that I would go again. It was really fun though. The spirit of everyone just there to throw powder and enjoy on a beautiful spring Saturday was great. The kids really liked it, especially throwing colored powder on strangers. I tried to keep them from doing it too much but the receivers of the powder were playful with them, which is the whole spirit of the event. We were covered in powder. At first it is nice because it is a rainbow of colors but soon it all looks reddish brown. I was pleasantly surprised that it came out of all the clothes except my underwear. Also my flip flops have powder still on them so whenever I wear them it leaves a greenish hue to the top of my foot reminding me of the good times we had and that number 21 is complete. Number 21 CHECK.

Paying for someone in the Drive Thru

Last night I was going through Wendy's drive thru and thought that I could take care of number 5 on my list. So I looked in my rearview and there was a small car with two young men. I thought they probably are college kids or teenagers and could use a freebie. So luckily it wasn't busy so they didn't have the whole two window, pay in one and pick up your food in the other or it wouldn't have worked as well. So the lady taking my money took my money for mine and gave me my food. She was in a foul mood, I could tell. I then asked her if I could pay for the car behind me. She was Hispanic and it took a little to get her to understand what I was asking. She was like sure and then rang that up, without any emotion at all. The total was just over 6 dollars so I feel like it wasn't even worth it. They probably ordered off the dollar menu and maybe if they were teenagers had to pool their money to figure out what they could afford. I hurried and drove away. The funny part of the whole situation was that it took so long for me to make my transaction and then to get the lady to understand what I was trying to do that the boys were probably really cussing because they had to wait longer than normal. I drove again sipping my sprite having completed Number 5. Number 5 CHECK.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pee in both oceans

This particular 40 for 40 is only half done, but the Atlantic has been taken care of it you know what I mean. We were in the water in the Bahamas and in Aruba, and then again in Fort Lauderdale. I will keep you posted when the Pacific can be checked off as well. Pee in both oceans #6 CHECK.


As part of the Cruise, I decided that I didn't want to get sunburnt, have crazy tan lines, and look white, so I went fake baking for the first time in my life. We started in January and went every other day. I did burn some places, that don't need to be mentioned, however I loved it. It felt so good in January to lay in the tanning beds and feel warm and then be tan. I think it really helped me get through the dark depressing month of January. Our membership ran out at the end of February, but there was like 3 days after we got home from the cruise that I still could go. I went every day when I got home, even after parent teacher conference because I enjoyed it so much. I was really sad to see the membership lapse, but realize that even though it feels good, I am now 40 so I have to be responsible with my skin care.

On the cruise it was wonderful. I felt more confident about how I looked and didn't have to worry about burning the first day and then staying out of the sun the rest of the time. I applied sunblock the first day and then didn't even worry about that the rest of the time. One of the best plans I have had my whole life. Tanning #8 CHECK.

Number 1 & 2

Numbers one and two were completed in February. For my 40th birthday I decided that I didn't want to sit home and feel sorry for myself that I was forty and not married. I would go on a cruise and instead of feeling sorry for myself, feel sorry for the people who weren't on the cruise. I went to the Caribbean with 3 other friends and my mom and dad came too. We had a marvelous time in the sun and laying on the beach and enjoying the activities on the ship. I left the day of my birthday, so not much excitement on that day, but we did celebrate Rachel's birthday in the Bahamas so that was pretty fun. Cruise #1 CHECK.

As part of the cruise we went on an excursion where we snorkeled over a sunken ship in Aruba. I added this to the list later because it was CRAZY so I thought I could include it even though it already happened. The water was way choppy and it was about 1/2 a mile from the coast, so I was a little scared. "I was scared, but I liked it", was the quote from Danielle about jumping in the ocean from our ship, not the cruise ship, the one that took up to the sunken ship. I was a little nervous, but I waited until the crowd had thinned out and went for it. I was really crazy neat to see the ship about 60 feet from the top of the ocean laying in the water. Snorkeling over a sunken ship #2 CHECK.

Create a Blog

One of the things on my list was to create a blog and track my 40th year. So by creating this blog, number 18 is accomplished. It was pretty easy to create, I will see how easy it is to maintain.

44 Forty Purpose

This blog is designed to keep track of my 40th year. I decided I wanted to do 40 things in my 40th year, aka Forty for Forty. As I complete or attempt to complete these things I will blog about them.