Friday, July 6, 2012


Number 25: Go to Kennecott Copper Mine

This is another that I just added.  Lexi is taking AP Geography next year so I am trying to find things to help her understand parts of the class as they learn out of the book next year.  Kennecott is one of those, as was the commercial diary farm at Manti Pageant.  So one day I went and got the kids and we drove up the Kennecott.  It is really incredible the operation they have up there.  The huge trucks look like matchbox cars.  It is hard to even comprehend how big it is as you are watching at the crest of the copper pit.  I always am amazed at the cool things we live around but don't ever really see.  There are more tourists at Kennecott and the Great Salt Lake than there is anywhere else in the Salt Lake Valley.  We don't take advantage of the things we have in our backyard that people come all over the world to see.  Anyway it was a fun couple hours.  We went and ate at McDonalds after and in about 10 minutes demolished 5 extra value meals.  Number 25: Kennecott, Check!

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