This is really random but I have been embarrassed about something I couldn't do for a long time, backing up a vehicle with a trailer hooked onto it. As a Roberts and a Wyoming raised girl it is an embarrassment. I have tried numerous times growing up and then a couple times in the last couple of times with my dad's boat but I always jackknife the truck and trailer and then get so dang frustrated and mad that I give up and wouldn't try again. A couple of years ago....the best backer upper in the Bryce Roberts family....my cousin Shauna gave some good advise. She said "it sounds really weird and it doesn't make sense as I am saying it but you follow the trailer". So the other day as I was helping my dad and the opportunity arose for me to try again in a calm circumstance without pressure. My dad needed the snowmobiles out of the shop and backed in the shed. So we hooked them up and I drove forward pulling them out of the shop and then I reversed it and started backing up. I kept saying the mantra in my head "follow the trailer, follow the trailer". To my astonishment it worked. Dad was there to guide me into the shed and I backed them in 'good' the first time, but then he needed it 'perfect' so he had equal space all around to walk around the trailer so then he made me pull out, back in, pull out, back in.....like a billions times. Well if you aren't going very far it is hard to follow the trailer so I lost my confidence but didn't give up like usual. Eventually he was happy with where they were, which I think was pretty close to where I had them the first time. We unhooked the trailer and manually moved it over a couple of inches to where it was satisfactory for Dad. So I did it. I think the next time I will be able to successfully back up a trailer without jackknifing it. Kinda a stupid goal to put but it is something that I have struggled with my whole life and was able to accomplish. Now I can be proud to be a Roberts because I have the skill. My dad said that my aunts, his sisters, always had to back up the trailer because their 'city' husbands never could. Just another thing to put on a resume. Check off Number 31!
gifted and talented program for you! :)