Number One: Read the favorite books of all my close friends.
This one I just finished and I was hung up on this one the last couple months so I am pretty excited it is finished. I wanted to read the favorite book of a few of my friends. I typically choose biographies of people who have overcome obstacles in their lives or survival books so I thought it would be good to step out of my own choices and read the favorite book of my friends. Danielle choose a book called Gossie and Gertie. It was one I got for her at the dollar store a couple of Christmases ago and it was about 2 duck friends who do everything together and then one of them gets destracted....I don't know if it was Gossie or Gertie..... and doesn't do what the other one wants...until it is dinner time. Obviously it is a children's book but it was her favorite present that year and proudly displayed in her bedroom so that was pretty easy to get through. If we read a really good book we usually both end up reading it so we have read a lot of the same stuff.
The next was "Same Kind of Different as Me". This was Amy's favorite book and I read it last summer. It was about a homeless man who had a horrible life and then someone recognized the good in him and helped him find his own good and self. It opened my eyes a little of how people do live lives of inadequate education, no family connections, and poverty. It also showed me that there is good in everyone, even though sometimes you have to be willing to look deeper than the surface for it.
Then I read "Daughter of the Forest" which was Ambree's. It was a fun book based around Medieval times in Ireland. It was fun to review the history of the British Isles and some of the folklore of Ireland. The story was good too. The main character lost the ability to speak at the very first of the book so I wondered how that would work throughout the book. It did. Even though there was tons of conflict in the story everything worked out in the end. This is going to sound weird but the brothers were turned into swans and then were turned back into humans but one brother chose to be a swan because he had fallen in love with another swan. When I finished the book the WJ pool closed by our house and then all the water fowl come and take it over and there were two swans in there until a couple of weeks ago, so every time I pass and see them I think of they are Finbar and his love. "I suppose they were lovers."
"The Blue Castle" was Naomi's choice. She had a hard time choosing. Her favorite is Jane Eyre and no offense but I hate that story so bad, that I don't think I could get through the book, so I asked her to choose another one. "Blue Castle" was one that I think she read as a teenager so it was about being your true self and then everything works how beautifully in the end. It was a cute story of how a women breaks out of her tedious life living with her dominating family and follows what she wants to do and ends up marrying the weird guy in the town who ends up being the wealthiest guy ever! It was fun to read.
Rachel and Jenna both said "Pride and Prejudice". That was on Naomi's list too so I figured go for it. I just finished it. I have seen many different renditions of it in movies and TV but like most stories the book was far better. It was just so sweet. Elizabeth did bother me the whole way through because she was just so proud but some lines just really appeal to the romantic in the reader. I was glad for a couple of things. First that I did know the story because it was hard to follow who was saying what about who. Also that I read it on my kindle so all the old English words I could touch and the definition would pop up. I notice that I speak a little 'old English' after having been engrossed in the book for the last few days. I did really enjoy it and want to read more of Jane Austen's books in the future.
So that is Number One. It was fun and gave me a little insight into what my friends like and more about them. It also go me to read a few books I never would have otherwise. Check.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Number 13
next week the girls painted the concrete white. I unfortunately had
parent-teacher conference so I could be there. I really felt horrible
but couldn't do anything about it. I trusted that Mindy would be able
to carry through the organization of finishing up. It was a crazy busy
night for me at conferences but I hurried home, however the girls were
done. As I drove into the neighbor I was so happy with how the girls
had improved the look of our neighborhood. I drove around the circle
between the entrances a few times to look at it. I am so proud of them
for their willingness to do good works and do it with a happy heart. I
still need to go and touch up where white paint got on the iron but
overall it looks soooooo dang good. Number 13.....check.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Number 3
Again this wasn't on the original list but it was cool as heck so I am adding it in place of learn how to make chocolate mousse. I did try to make mousse and failed miserably so I didn't try again because it was so gross. But it's replacement was a lot more fun. I have a friend who is an ultra-sound specialist and sometimes has long nights in the hospital with no patients. So one night I went in and she totally ultra-sounded me. It was the coolest thing ever. The first thing is I was so impressed with how well my friend knew and did her job. She knew where every organ was first thing and didn't have to like 'look' for it really, just here it is. I honestly couldn't pick out a lot of the organs on the screen and she explained what we were looking at. She did my throat first and I don't even remember the name of the organ there but then showed me a artery valve that would open and was the coolest! Then she did my stomach and showed me my uterus, ovaries, and bladder then kidneys. The absolute best was my heart. She put the 'wand' under my rib cage and I totally saw my heart beating. I could see the two chambers as they pulsed. It was incredible. What I gained from this was not only a better understanding of my body and the human body in general, but I came away thinking how incredible the body is. Not only just the body but life. What makes a person, animal, or plant alive? Our hearts beat and blood pumps without us even thinking about it. Why? It isn't connected to energy or a power source, it just does it's job because it is alive. I have really thought about 'life' and how marvelous it is and how thankful I am for the miracle of life I have and all the life (people, animals, and plants) in the world.
Number 20
This wasn't on my original list but I guess needed to happen so I will replace it as #20 because there is no way I am going to catch up on scrapbooking. As I am getting older I felt I needed to make sure all my parts were healthy. So in the last month I have had everything checked....I mean everything. I won't go into detail but it isn't something I plan on doing again soon. I had blood work done and shots and then all that other stuff. Today I finished up with a mammogram so if all goes well with that I am healthy. I was hoping for some weird stuff to happen with my blood work to explain a couple things but all I was told was to cut down on the french fries and eat more fish and nuts. Probably didn't mean the fish and chips kind. I was happy because there is a strong presence of diabetes in my family and there was no sign of that either. So even though it wasn't fun and I hated every minute of it all I did it and can have some peace that I am healthy.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
# 40 Finish My Current Journal
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
#17 Grow a Garden
Since I have lived in this house 4+ years I have grown tomatoes in a little patch under the kitchen window. One year I grew peppers that were so hot you couldn't even eat them. However I have always wanted to grow a garden. Two years ago I cleared a little patch of land and plant various seeds and nothing grew. Could be I didn't really water it and I didn't read the directions on the package and put tons of seeds in. So this summer I was determined to grow something besides tomatoes. So instead of just throwing seeds into the earth and expected them to grow early in the Spring I planned my garden and read each package of seeds carefully and took notes in a little notebook. Then tilled the ground and planted. It worked. I have squash, onions, radishes, and cucumbers. The peas didn't really grow or the beets but next year I will try to figure those out. Not to be cheesy but it really a miracle. You put a little seed into the ground and cultivate (care for) it and then you have food. It is amazing. The first meal I really used stuff was really like a wonder. We had gone fishing so we ate the fish we caught and the vegetables from the garden. The only thing we didn't provide for ourselves was the rice. Included in this years harvest was my lavender. As with the garden I have planted lavender I bet 4 times, one each year and nothing happens. Last year I planted two bushes and really cultivated them with water and shade when needed and then year they blossomed. I clipped the buds and dried them and then removed the flower from the stalk and put the flowers in a little satchel. From two pants I got 2.5 satchel which I gave to my mom. So #17 very fulfilling in growing a garden.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Number 31

Saturday, March 30, 2013
#33 Write Letters
Number 33 has been a hard one. I am emotionally exhausted. I wanted to write to 3 people who have influenced me in my life. I have finished the letters and will send them on Monday. Excluding family members the three names that I came up with were Phyllis 'Cleo' Griffiths. I have thought about my relationship with her and what category it fits in. She is equal parts friend, mentor, and second mother. We talked, cry, and laugh. She gets me and I get her. Some of my favorite memories are stream testing with her in Logan, when I helped her sign up (just like 2 years ago) for a library card (hers was from the 60's I swear) and then to show her how to the ATM to get money out after she retired she needed access to cash sometimes. With the ATM we felt like we were robbing the bank, it was hilarious. The second letter was Veldon Izatt 'VI' who has known me all my life. My first memory was he was the bishop when I got baptized. Then he was one of my high school teachers, but taught me I think 4 classes of various subjects. He influenced a lot of kids with his friendly teasing manner. He also is from the community where I grew up Freedom Wyoming and I love to see him when I visit my parents and spar back and forth. The last was Carroll Wood. He is a man even though he has a girl's name. He passed away a couple of years ago so I wrote to his wife in DC. He was just so kind and fun as I worked in Senator Simpsons office. He made me feel at home in the office and then invited me several times to be with his family as well. We were soul mates that transcend age, race, or religion. So through tears of remembering and expressing how these three have influenced me, #33 might have been the hardest of all these to finish. Check Check!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
#32 Have a Liv day!
I try to do stuff with my nieces and nephews in groups but then individually as well. My niece Liv and I haven't ever done something with just the two of us, so I thought it would be fun to have a Liv day. Liv is 4 and was all for it. Liv doesn't talk much in big settings like when all the Roberts' are together. She is one of the younger ones and sometime the noise and chaos can overpower the best of us. She is a giggler though. She loves to hug and sit on your lap and let you comb her hair. She loves to be involved with what is going on. She is a sweet girl.
I picked her up at her house during a February snow storm. I was planning on driving back to Salt Lake and us walking through the Gateway and going to Build-A-Bear, but Liv is a girlie girl and when I gave her the option of Build-A-Bear or getting her nails painted, she choose the nails. It was better because it was close by and we didn't have to drive in the storm. So we went in and she choose two different pinks for every other finger and I choose dark purple. The guy painted hers first and then painted a flower on. He asked her which finger and she said her pointer finger but he tried to persuade her to do the fourth finger and she knew what she wanted with the pointer, so it was the pointer. Then we put our hands under the light to dry. Check....fingernails painted.
Then she chose to go to lunch at McDonalds. I am not sure why kids love McDonalds so much, but it was her choice so we went. She ordered chicken nuggets and we ate in the playland. I had just injured my knee the week before so it was actually nice to put my foot up while she played. She didn't talk to any of the kids but her and another little girl kinda followed each other around. She would scream my name when she was in the playland for me to see her. When we left we got ice cream and headed to our next adventure. After lunch we went to Barnes and Noble to find a book. She choose a My Little Pony story with little plastic ponies. Then we went to buy the boys a treat so they wouldn't feel left out. I left her choose the treats and we went through each brother and she pointed something out. She was pointing right in front of her and just in a row so I asked her if that is what they liked or she was just pointing at stuff and she said it was what they liked. I doubted but when we got back to her house each brother chose out of the bag the one she had chosen for them. She knows her brothers.
What I learned about Liv in our day together that she is a girlie girl through and through (I kinda knew that already). She is a confident girl. Even though she is shy and doesn't say much she does know what she wants and is willing to speak up for it when she needs to. She is smart and kind and beautiful and I am glad we had the day together and hope for many more.
Friday, February 8, 2013
#39 Refinance my House
This is kind of a dumb one, but I hate doing things like this. These kind of things and buying tires really sometimes wish I was married so I didn't have to deal with it. I had been given some advice by my brother and then different people to refinance. I wasn't going to do it until I read an article in a travel magazine about the benefits so then I am was like "oh alright I will do it". I got a letter from Zions offering special rates, of course, so I finally made the call and it is in progress right now. I am supposed to be getting the paper work in the next couple of days. I will sign and send them back and then I hope it is done. It will make my payments less, so I hope to do some improvements around here and pay off some other things and pay for going back to school. I got a better interest rate and in the long run it is a good idea. So I have finished it all the way but it is a few signatures away from being a done deal.
#35 Go back to School
This post kinda goes with 34. Last spring I got an email from Southern Utah University advertising maters degrees. We get those all the time so I don't know why I just didn't delete it. I didn't and over the summer looked into it a little. A few summers ago there was a geography seminar at SUU and I really enjoyed the seminar and the school and facilities. I knew that if I continued in teaching then I needed to get a masters to get paid more but then I am half way in my career and felt like I needed a change. Changing schools is a big change but honestly since our school moved out of Albion, into Cottonwood Heights (me moved into Butler) and then moved back to our new school, really everything was already packed. Still is actually. Boxes in my garage, posters under my bed, it won't be a big deal besides leaving the people. I I looked into SUU. It sounded good and felt right. So during the process of applying to high schools I also applied for entrance to SUU to get a Masters in Education with an Administrative License. I was accepted and have started in January. I am doing my first administrative internship at Albion right now and will start classes in the summer. I am excited to have a goal to aim toward. I didn't ever think I would want to be an administrator, but I couldn't see myself teaching for 15-20 more years either. I hope to be finished in two years from next fall so two and a half years I guess. I would like to eventually be a principal at an elementary school. I guess I will see where this all will take me but like I said it is good for me to have a goal to work on. Go Thunderbirds....I should take a trip to Cedar and buy a sweatshirt or something.
#34 Get a Job for 2013-14
This is kinda a weird one, but it wasn't really fun or anything but it had to be done. I have been working at Albion Middle School for 15 years. Canyons District is realigning and all the 9th grade kids are going to go to high schools now and not middle schools. I teach mostly 9th grade so had to make a choice if I wanted to stay and teach younger kids or move to a high school. It was a hard decision because Albion has been my home, and I can't even entertain the thoughts in my mind of not working with those people who have grown to be my family there because I am even tearing up writing this. However I teach Geography and that is a 9th grade class and if I stayed in middle school it would really limit my options and choices in my career. Whereas if I went to a high school I could still teach geography but all the high school history classes as well. So I knew it was right to go to a high school. So the process was to apply to the high schools that you were interested in. I applied initially to the new high school as the dept. head for social studies. It was considered a critical position after all the coaches were hired. I didn't get the job. It was offered to a lady with 4 years teaching experience and cheerleading or dance experience to be the advisor for that. Just a note....I have been dept. head for probably 10 years at Albion but yes my cheerleading probably has suffered development. I am sure she is a fantastic teacher and person, but I thought at that point, if that is what they are looking for then maybe that is not the school I want to be in. So then the high school teaching positions opened up and I applied for the new high school, the HS where most of our students go to, and Hillcrest. My first interview was with the new high school and it was a fine interview but just whatever, the second interview was with Hillcrest and the ss dept. head, who was interviewing me, worked at Albion before and his dad also had worked there when I first started. The conversation was so easy and we joked back and forth and were on the same page academically. I knew that it went well. Then I have one more interview in which I thought went well and actually thought about maybe having that one as my first choice. So as we left the district offices after the day of interviewing we had to rate which school we would prefer first, second, third, etc...My goal since day one had been the new high school, but I knew that the Hillcrest interview had gone so much better and if any school was to offer me a job it would be them. But it is hard to decide in 2 minutes as you are filling out the paper, so I tied the two and put the last interviewer as third. Then the next week got a call from Hillcrest. I knew it was the right choice for me, so I accepted. I am so excited to go there. I think it is going to really fit my personality well. So I start next school year. I don't know what I will be teaching because they did hire 3 geography teachers, but I will be happy with teaching whatever they need me to. In telling this story I do have to say, that I hated the process. Going through the formalities of applying to jobs from the employer you have been with for 15 years really sucked. Because of this as well as some other things I had to deal with from the district this year I had felt really insecure and vulnerable about myself and questioned if I am a good teacher or if this is what I want to continue doing. Honestly those are feelings I haven't really dealt with a lot in my life. It was really really really stressful. When Hillcrest offered me the job a huge relief came over me that I didn't have to think or worry about my situation anymore. And the other issue I am dealing with from the district wasn't so significant because I wasn't looking for a job from them anymore so didn't have to go through the hoops that I felt like I needed to before I was hired. Now everyone wants to know what 'situation' I am referring to. In short my AP scores were the lowest in the district and I was reprimanded for it. But last year I physically was at a whole other school than my colleagues at Albion, while our school was being redone. My students had to walk 10 minutes to get to my class. Most days I had 30 minutes to teach the kids what they needed to know for the AP test. Adding that up on a daily, weekly, and yearly scale it was 2/3 of the time the other teachers had to teach the same subject in the other middle school. My scores were still above national average and I had close to 70 students where some schools had less than 25 students. Had I known I wouldn't have taught it last year, but I didn't know and just hoped for the best. I am hoping that my 85 students this year, yes I picked up a whole other class of it so it couldn't have been so bad, clean up on the test and then I better have some kind of floral arrangement delivered to my house the first week of July as the test scores come out staying Ms. Roberts, you are great and the district appreciates you putting in so much time and effort on behalf of the APHG students at Albion. So sorry this post was so long but I did get a job for next year so check. (And I will let you know how my students do on the test).
#10 Beat Danielle at Ping Pong
Ping Pong with Friends |
#9 Zen Garden
Well it is one week until my birthday and I am realizing that I didn't accomoplish my whole list. But as in this one Build a Zen Garden, I did most of it, just didn't finish before the summer was over. I had put more summer activities on than I had time for. So to build a zen garden, I did buy a Buddha and put curbing around the area that is to be the garden. I shopped all summer for the perfect Buddha. I wanted a traditional southeast Asia one and not the fat one. I finally found one at Ross I think. He has been sitting out there since about July. Then early in the summer I put curbing around all the flower beds in my back yard and where the zen garden will be. I love it. I wish I had done it earlier. I am excited for summer to come so I can plant some flowers in the flower beds. I did buy a couple of bushes and perrinals and planted them but it will need some more flowers to fill it up. I kinda like the nature look. So with the zen garden, I need to dig it out a little and then fill it up with sand and get a wooden rake and maybe a little wooden platform to sit on and zen and it will be done. So not fully finished but half way there.
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