This was on the original list. I didn't know when I would get the
opportunity. I knew it had to be soon because it is getting colder and I
am not chunky dunking during the ice fishing season. So we went to
visit my parents in Wyoming and my dad took us fishing on Jackson Lake.
It was quite the eventful weekend. We came late into the valley Friday
night and were passing a car head on when there appeared two cows in
the road and the oncoming car didn't see them at all and hit them both
head on. Fortunately the cows died instantly but we were seconds away
from having one of the cows land on our windshield and seconds later
would have hit the car head on as they swerved into our lane. We were
first responders. Danielle went and helped the people, who were Chinese
and couldn't communicate with on-star, as I called 911 and directed
traffic coming up south end until the emergency people could get
there. So that was tramatic. Then fishing on Jackson Lake a big storm
came and my dad being more concerned with catching the fish on the line
then the huge wave coming up over the boat. We almost sunk. So after
we caught the fish, pulled the lines in, and found a quiet place out of
the storm on the North end of Donohoe Island, I knew my chance to skinny
dip had manifest itself. So I went for it. I took everything off
except my tevas. I didn't want to have to worry about walking in and
out of the water quickly. I thought the water would be freezing but it
wasn't. I jumped in and then hurried and got out. But then I didn't
feel like I got the most out of the experience because it was so fast so
I jumped in again for another few minutes. Now skinny dipping might
not be for everyone, but you feel so one with nature. It is so
liberating. It is really hard to describe unless you try it, especially
in such a beautiful place as Jackson Lake. I kinda knew that I would
accomplish this one in Jackson Lake. A lot of years ago, my dad and I
went camping at Jackson Lake on the South shore. It was an out of the
way spot and we stayed in his gross camper. I think one of his friends
were with us but other than that we were seemingly all alone in nature.
In the early morning I got up early and went down to the shore to wash
my face and brush my teeth. It was just me and the trees and the lake.
It was a spiritually experience. It was so peaceful. The lake was
like glass and there weren't any noises. I washed up and it literally
felt like I was the only person in the world and one with all that was
around me and so apart of the greater whole. I was at such peace. I often visualize that as my "happy
place", when I need to. So skinny dippy there just seemed right. When I returned to the boat my mom said "Did I see Courtney's white bare butt out there". I guess it is easy to spot.
The pile of clothes |
Nature shots |
Nature. I liked how the rock was caught up in the roots. |
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