As part of the Cruise, I decided that I didn't want to get sunburnt, have crazy tan lines, and look white, so I went fake baking for the first time in my life. We started in January and went every other day. I did burn some places, that don't need to be mentioned, however I loved it. It felt so good in January to lay in the tanning beds and feel warm and then be tan. I think it really helped me get through the dark depressing month of January. Our membership ran out at the end of February, but there was like 3 days after we got home from the cruise that I still could go. I went every day when I got home, even after parent teacher conference because I enjoyed it so much. I was really sad to see the membership lapse, but realize that even though it feels good, I am now 40 so I have to be responsible with my skin care.
On the cruise it was wonderful. I felt more confident about how I looked and didn't have to worry about burning the first day and then staying out of the sun the rest of the time. I applied sunblock the first day and then didn't even worry about that the rest of the time. One of the best plans I have had my whole life. Tanning #8 CHECK.
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