Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Number 3

Again this wasn't on the original list but it was cool as heck so I am adding it in place of learn how to make chocolate mousse.  I did try to make mousse and failed miserably so I didn't try again because it was so gross.  But it's replacement was a lot more fun.  I have a friend who is an ultra-sound specialist and sometimes has long nights in the hospital with no patients.  So one night I went in and she totally ultra-sounded me.  It was the coolest thing ever.  The first thing is I was so impressed with how well my friend knew and did her job.  She knew where every organ was first thing and didn't have to like 'look' for it really, just here it is.  I honestly couldn't pick out a lot of the organs on the screen and she explained what we were looking at.  She did my throat first and I don't even remember the name of the organ there but then showed me a artery valve that would open and was the coolest!  Then she did my stomach and showed me my uterus, ovaries, and bladder then kidneys.  The absolute best was my heart.  She put the 'wand' under my rib cage and I totally saw my heart beating.  I could see the two chambers as they pulsed.  It was incredible.  What I gained from this was not only a better understanding of my body and the human body in general, but I came away thinking how incredible the body is.  Not only just the body but life.  What makes a person, animal, or plant alive?  Our hearts beat and blood pumps without us even thinking about it.  Why?  It isn't connected to energy or a power source, it just does it's job because it is alive.  I have really thought about 'life' and how marvelous it is and how thankful I am for the miracle of life I have and all the life (people, animals, and plants) in the world. 

Number 20

This wasn't on my original list but I guess needed to happen so I will replace it as #20 because there is no way I am going to catch up on scrapbooking.  As I am getting older I felt I needed to make sure all my parts were healthy.  So in the last month I have had everything checked....I mean everything.  I won't go into detail but it isn't something I plan on doing again soon.  I had blood work done and shots and then all that other stuff.  Today I finished up with a mammogram so if all goes well with that I am healthy.  I was hoping for some weird stuff to happen with my blood work to explain a couple things but all I was told was to cut down on the french fries and eat more fish and nuts.  Probably didn't mean the fish and chips kind.  I was happy because there is a strong presence of diabetes in my family and there was no sign of that either.  So even though it wasn't fun and I hated every minute of it all I did it and can have some peace that I am healthy.